Vegetable Dhokla

Make halvasan at home

Make halvasan at home:- 

Friends, welcome to our India Cooking Expert
blog. Friends, you know that we provide new information on our blog every day. Today we try to give you information from all over the area to make a new India recipe.  Everything used in is shown below. These items are easily available in the market. This recipe is specially written in English especially for those who do not like Gujarati or Hindi.

The content of the halvas:-

1: - 1 liter Milk 
2: - Yogurt 
3: - 2 tablespoons Bavlio glue 
4: - Ghee proportionately 
5: - 4 tablespoons wheat flour 
6: - 300 g Sugar 
7: - Cardamom 
8: - 1/2 Nutmeg 
9  : - Charoli and Badam 
10: - 2 Javantri 
11: - Saffron

halvasan Method :- 

First let the milk boil.  When the milk boils, add 3 tsp yogurt.  If the milk does not break down, add a little more yoghurt.

Glue the glue halfway.  Put 2 tsp ghee in a pan and bake the glue.  When it becomes completely swollen and white, add it to the cracked milk and keep stirring.

Put 3-4 tablespoons of ghee in a pot on gas and cook over low heat till the wheat flour turns pink.  Put it in milk and stir.

Put 150 grams of sugar in it.  Fry the remaining (150 gms) of sugar and add it to the milk till it becomes brown in color.

When the milk thickens, add cardamom, nutmeg, javantri and saffron sugar.  When it becomes very thick and does not stick to the frying pan, turn off the gas and let it settle.

Then shape into spheres, squares.  Squeeze sliced ​​almonds and charoli on it.

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